Monday, August 3, 2009

Adieu, Beloved Hair

This morning when I woke up and ran my fingers through my hair, a bunch of hair decided to stay in my hand instead of on my head. It was a little horrifying, like one of those dreams where all your teeth fall out. I almost cried, but was able to hold it together when I realized that the majority of my hair was still firmly attached. But I also decided that it would probably be less traumatic to just shave my hair off than to have it fall out in clumps. So, today was the day I said goodbye to my hair.

When Keith came home from work, I told him what the plan was, and he agreed to do the dirty work. He made me promise that I would remember who I was, and that I was beautiful no matter what.

So after dinner, I sat on a stool in the kitchen, and Keith (brave soul) shaved all my hair off while I sang "Nothing Compares 2U." When he was about halfway done, our two little boys came in from playing outside. We explained to them why we were shaving my hair off, and they just stood there with wide eyes as locks of Mommy's brown hair dropped to the floor. Jonas said, "Mommy, you look weird, but I still love you." Then he said, "You look like a man now," to which Liam added "Now you can drive a truck." Keith just kept telling me how beautiful I was.

I got through the shaving part without crying, probably because I spent the entire time reassuring my little boys that I wasn't sad and that my hair would grow back someday. When all my hair was gone, I felt fine and I honestly didn't think I would cry. But once I looked in the mirror, no number of Sinead O'Connor or G.I. Jane jokes could keep the tears from coming. I went upstairs and bawled as I shampooed all the stray hairs off my head and neck, then bawled some more as I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize the person staring back at me.

I said a little prayer, asking Heavenly Father to comfort me, and He reminded me that my worth has nothing to do with what I look like. I am still Sarah, mother of three little boys, wife of a loving devoted husband, daughter and sister of a family who loves me, and most importantly, a daughter of God. As I thought about this, I was filled with a desire to increase my inner beauty - to be a more loving, giving person, because in the end, the beauty of our spirit is the only beauty that lasts.


  1. Sarah, your strength is amazing and your belief is beyond words. You make me smile and cry. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with so many.

    Love and Prayers

  2. uggh tears pouring.

    This would be so hard but I think that I would have shaved mine also.

  3. At least it's done now...brave girl...the shock of it should wear off right? Your posts uplift me.

  4. I ditto what everyone said above me exactly! Thank you for blogging. I hope it's a little therapeutic.

    I think you should do a photo shoot with your new look and post. Have Keith take some glamor shots. Document every step. (For the book I hope you write someday!)

  5. Not even a bald head can dim your beauty! I love you and have never doubted that your beauty within has always eclipsed the physical beauty that you the extent that I can no longer see the "outside Sarah". You are just Sarah and no matter what you are truly beautiful.

  6. As hard as it is to do ... I felt more in control shaving my hair off. My heart goes out to you ... it is hard to do.

  7. Sarah, you are so strong, it is amazing through these hard times to still see how strong your testimony is. I couldn't imagine going through this at such a young age, you are honesty in my prayers!

  8. Hi, Sarah! I found this through Angie, I think - so glad you're blogging all of this!

    So glad you are doing well, and I'll bet you look awesome bald. ;)

  9. Yes you are still beautiful Sarah, INSIDE AND OUT!! You're the best and Liam cracks me up!!
