Wednesday, July 29, 2009

PET Scan

Just a quick update: This morning I went in for a PET Scan, which will be helpful in determining what stage my cancer is at and if it has spread beyond my lymph nodes. I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon to go over the results with my doctor. We are praying for good news!

I am also starting to feel back to normal today after my first chemo treatment last week. I even made dinner for Keith and watered all the flowers!

I have realized that it can be very easy to get depressed in a situation like this. I was thinking last night about the pioneers and how when they were trekking across the plains, they often stopped and played music and danced. Even though they were in a difficult situation, they paused to have fun, to lift their spirits, and to count their blessings. I realized last night that I need to do the same. I know the next few months are going to be tough, but if I take one day at a time, and make the most of each day, it will be so much easier.

I'll let everyone know the results of the PET Scan tomorrow night!


  1. I don't know much about playing music or dancing... but I'm all for a girls night out! I am praying you get good news tomorrow!
