It's been a couple months since I've blogged, but that's a good thing because it means I don't have much to report. A couple weeks ago I had the lumps in my back biopsied, and they turned out to be "benign connective tissue." So now, after an x-ray, ultrasound, biopsy, and five doctors telling me it's nothing, I feel I can finally lay the issue to rest.
I had my second reconstructive surgery on Thursday, July 8th, and I am pleasantly surprised at how much less painful it was than the mastectomy. Other than throwing up five times from the anesthesia, it's been smooth sailing. I can't lift anything for a couple weeks, but at least the pain is manageable.
As of July 13 I will have 8 months NED (no evidence of disease). The longer I have NED, the smaller the chances are that it will ever come back. After 3 years, I can say I am cured. I look forward to that day!
I have been feeling great, pretty much back to normal. I've been doing aerobics a few times a week and riding my bike. I LOVE having so much energy!
Well that's it for now. I think I'll succumb to my percocet-induced drowsiness....
Oh, one more thing - I finally finished the rough draft of my book! Now a couple revision runs, feedback from family/friends/editors, then off to literary agents/publishers. My goal is to have it ready for submission in six months.